Project news

SHIFT2GREEN project workshop in Sofia: Successful collaboration

On June 19-20, we successfully concluded a dynamic two-day workshop of the Erasmus+ SHIFT2GREEN project in Sofia.

Organized by Cleantech Bulgaria, the workshop brought together consortium partners from Poland, Austria, Germany and Bulgaria in the heart of Sofia. The team focused on finalizing the SHIFT2GREEN gamification platform and outlined plans for the next phase of the project – the development of a guidance tool for SMEs and VET teachers. The tool will include a selection of sustainable practices to support the green transformation of European businesses.

The next step is to translate the SHIFT2GREEN gamification platform into partners’ languages to make it more accessible. This will help more companies and businesses in the EU adopt sustainable habits and bring about behavioral change in the workplace.

We are excited to introduce the SHIFT2GREEN web application, where you can explore your environmental impact at work. Access the app here:

Take part in the journey toward more sustainable daily activities.

Partners meeting in Wroclaw

A gathering for the “Shift2Green” Erasmus+ Project took place on December 05-06.2023 in Wroclaw, Poland, where consortium partners convened for a 2-day workshop. This meeting aimed at promoting and disseminating the project’s goals of enhancing environmental awareness and green skills among SME employees and managers through gamification. The workshop, hosted by Ekopotencjal, led to the creation of 10 promotional materials and brainstorming on 6 key topics related to sustainability at the workplace. Participants gained hands-on experience using design tools for crafting engaging content. Additionally, the focus on offline promotions led to the development of gamified materials like bingo cards, quizzes, and gadgets, all designed on recycled materials to align with the project’s sustainability objectives.

Partners meeting in Klaipeda

The European project partners of the Shift2Green – Promoting Eco-friendly Habits at Work with Gamification met on August 23-24, 2023 for a trailblazing project meeting in Klaipeda, Lithuania.
The main goal of the “Shift2Green” project is to promote increased environmental awareness and develop the competencies of employees and managers in small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of sustainability. By using innovative approaches such as gamification, the aim is not only to promote environmentally friendly ways of thinking, but also to integrate sustainable habits into everyday work. During the two-day meeting, participants worked intensively on implementing these goals.
The participants focused on the concretization of gamification content and developed sustainability tasks for employees and team leaders in order to bring about positive changes in everyday working life.
Particular attention was paid to structuring the missions in the planned sustainability game.
One of the next milestones in the project is the piloting of the game content at the end of the year. This first pilot version will serve to test the developed concepts in practice and gather valuable feedback to guide the project towards its final implementation.

Partners meeting in Vienna

LTTA of the Shift2Green project was held in Vienna on 3-06.04.2023.
The workshop was attended by all partner organizations of the Shift2Green project in accordance with the meeting agenda.

The specific objectives of the workshop were:

  • Joint learning and exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices between partners
    educators regarding methods for pro-ecological habits development that can be adapted by
    educators for lifelong learning;
  • Share the knowledge and experience on working with digital technologies in education and
    designing educational curricula around them;
  • Learn the basic ideas of gamification design and mechanisms.


Kick off meeting

On 21 December 2022, the joint project 'Shift2Green – Promoting green work habits through gamification’ was launched at a kick-off meeting. The objectives of the project were discussed, which include inspiring SME change agents to green transformation, engaging SME stakeholders in the development of green shift gamification and providing VET learners with a compelling digital learning solution. Target groups indicated include SME owners, leaders, employees and VET learners. It was discussed what is written in the proposal: the project is divided into work packages, focusing on sustainability needs analysis, knowledge sharing on sustainable practices and the development of the Shift2Green Guidance Tool. Partners have defined roles and the project includes workshops, multiplication events and a timeline with milestones and red flags to ensure successful implementation of the eco-transformation.